@1 The statement: "Test Source file with extension (.SOR) not found. Does it exist?: " is communicating the fact that a source file with text to be linked to the goals, attributes, and rules is not defined. If one has been created for the file name entered then there is an error either in the expert system name entered or the placement on the disk of the source file. Check and re-enter if the file exists. @2 An error has occurred writing the Expert system file that is loaded into memory presently. Possible problems might be: 1. The disk is full (to remedy, replace with a disk that has sufficient room to write the files). 2. The disk is off-line (close drive door if system is writing to a diskette). @3 An error has occurred that is fatal to the valid continuation of the proper functioning of the system. The present files are corrupted and cannot be saved. Enter Return to exit system. @4 The functions for the Data Edit system: "Author Title run-time(Name/password Goal test) Colors Printer eXit"; are: 'A' = Author - Edit the Author name of the expert system. This name will be displayed when the run-time system is called. 'T' = Title - Edit the Title of the expert system. This title will be displayed when the run-time system is called. 'N' = run-time system Name - Choose the inclusion or exclusion of the request for Name & Password by the run-time inference engine. 'G' = run-time Goal testing - Choose to run the test of All goals or only those that have been linked to (.SOR) Text files. This is for a run of the run-time inference engine. 'C' = screen Colors - Choose the colors you want for the editor & the run-time system. 'P' = Printer set - End-of-line Commands. This will allow you to set the (1)New line only ending or (2) New line + Carriage return ending. 'X' = eXit - Exit the data system and return to the Main system menu. @5 The statement: "Do you want to END this edit session and EXIT THE SYSTEM(y/n): " is allowing you to choose not to exit if the exit function has been chosen in error by entering 'n' , else, enter 'y' and you will proceed with the exit function. @6 The statement: "Do you want to SAVE your EDITING to DISK(y/n): " is asking you to choose if you want to save this edit session to disk. The previous version of the system will be replaced with whatever this current system contains. If gross errors are present and you want to save the old system, enter 'n' else enter 'y'. @7 The statement: "NOTE!! Are you sure about SAVING this EDIT( y/n): ", is giving you a final chance to choose if you really want to save this edit session to disk. If you do, enter 'y', else enter 'n' and you will be returned to the main menu to reconsider your next move. @8 The statement: "Enter to exit: " will exit the system without recourse. This may occur when a fatal error has been detected by the system. @9 The statement: "NOTE!! Are you sure about NOT SAVING this EDIT( y/n): " is giving you a final chance to choose if you really want to not save this edit session to disk. If you are sure you don't want to save this session, enter 'y', else enter 'n' and you will be returned to the main menu to reconsider your next move. @10 The statement: "TEXT Source ERROR. Enter any key to EXIT: " The Source file with the extension ".sor" cannot be found for this expert system so exit is called that you may find the problem and correct it. Probably you have the wrong diskette in or directory active. @11 The statement: "The system * FILENAME * does not exist. CREATE it?(y/n): " with FILENAME being the name you entered as a parameter call when you called the system editor or entered at the request for a file name. This should only appear if you are defining a totally new expert system. If you are re-editing a previously defined system, the program cannot find it on the present disk. Exit and enter the proper file. @12 "System created. Enter any key to continue: " The new system name that you have requested has been created and the system editor is ready for you to enter data for it. If nothing is entered into the new files, you will have to delete the newly created files to re-use the system names. @13 "System found. Enter to continue: " The Expert system name you have given has been found and is ready to be edited. @14 "(1) DISPLAY EVALUATION on Video Output" "(2) PRINT Valid TEXT on Printer" "(3) WRITE EVALUATION Run File to DISK Memory" "(4) EXIT" "SELECT 1 to 4 Evaluation Options:" You may choose any combination of options in this selection of validated data presentation methods. They will be presented, if chosen, in numeric order. (1) - DISPLAY EVALUATION on Video Output will send the data to the video display. (2) - PRINT Valid TEXT on Printer will send the data to the printer. The printer must be online or a runtime error will occur. (3) - WRITE EVALUATION Run File to DISK Memory will create a file on the default disk drive. If this option is not chosen, this program run will be deleted. So, if you ever want to review this session or you have only partially completed a run and will want to continue in the future, this option must be chosen. (4) - Exit. @15 "(1) DISPLAY FULL Data on Video Output" "(2) DISPLAY Valid Names for SELECT Video Output" "(3) EXIT Display" "SELECT 1 Option:" (1) - DISPLAY FULL Data on Video Output will output in order each valid data set. (2) - DISPLAY Valid Names for SELECT Video Output will display a list of the validated data so that you may selectively review what you wish. One word of caution: if you are running a diskette system with multiple data diskettes, jumping around in the list may cause many system requests for excessive diskette swapping. The order of goals displayed should be set in an orderly manner with the data on the diskettes. (3) - EXIT Display will exit without displaying anything, but will query you about saving a disk file of this program run. A separate diskette should be used for this if you are running a diskette system. @16 "Choose output method - Display or Printer(d/p): " The goal tree may be displayed on the video by entering 'd' or output to the printer by entering 'p'. To use the printer, it must be on line. @17 "Do you want to Display or Print re-use list or eXit (d,p,x): "; The Rule Reuse List may be displayed on the video by entering 'd' or output to the printer by entering 'p'. To use the printer, it must be on line. 'X' will exit with no list. @18 Enter to continue listing or enter 'q' to quit the LIST. @19 "Which SECTION do you choose to edit? If:, Then:, or eXit (i/t/x): " This will set which section that your editing will take place in. Both sections have their statements numbered from the number 1 so it must be defined which section we are working in. The section can be changed at any time. 'I' - IF: Section. Choose the IF: section. 'T' - THEN: Section. Choose the THEN: section. 'X' - Exit. Will exit to the Rule menu system. @20 "NAME of the Expert System to Edit (or to Exit): " MEANING: If you have not entered a name of an Expert System with your program edit request, you may now enter the name of the system you wish to edit. The name of an existing Expert System must be loaded on the default (current logged-on) disk drive. A file name is eight(8) characters or less in length. The call to edit a system directly is: AVATAR SYSNAME Where "SYSNAME" is the name of the Expert System you are requesting to edit. @21 No goals exist in the goal system, therefore they can't be listed. @22 With less than 3 Goals, you can't do a lot of moving around of goals. @23 "Choice: Move a Single goal, Range of goal numbers, or eXit(s/r/x): " 'S' = Move a Single goal. You will be prompted for what goal number to move. 'R' = Move a Range of goals. You will be prompted for goal number that will be the start of the range and the goal number for the end of the range. 'X' = eXit the present goal move system and return to the Goal system menu. @24 "Choice: Move to Head of GOAL LIST, End, Middle, or eXit?(h/e/m/x): ", 'H' = Move selected goal or range of goals to the Head of the GOAL LIST. The selected goal will now be the first goal in the goal list and therefore the first goal to be accessed and tested during a runtime activation of the inference engine. 'E' = End - Move selected goal or range of goals to the END of the GOAL LIST. 'M' = Middle - Move selected goal or range of goals to somewhere in the MIDDLE of the GOAL LIST. You will be prompted for what number the selected goal or range should be inserted before. 'X' = eXit the present goal move system and return to the Goal system menu. @25 "Enter 'p' to Process move or 'x' to forget it & eXit(p/x): " This is the last chance to back out of the proposed, defined move of goal(s). Entering 'p' will complete it, 'x' will leave everyting as before without change. @26 "Do you want to SAVE a DISK COPY of this evaluation?(y/n):" "WARNING!!! Answering \'n\' (NO) will TOTALLY DELETE this RUN FILE!" If you enter 'y' a copy of this program run will be saved in a file that has the Name, Password, Pathname you entered at the beginning and the run number that, if this is a new run, was assigned by the system or, if it was a recall of a previous run, that previously assigned number. If you enter 'n', the system run files, even if this is a recall of a previous run, will delete the runtime file that exists. @27 "MINIMUM is defined greater then MAXIMUM - to repeat entry: " The system will not allow an entry of a logical error such as this. Try again. @28 " List of attribute ids, Attribute w/ values, or Quit(l/a/q): " 'L' = List of attribute ids - will list only the attribute names. You will be prompted for the starting attribute name. 'A' = Attribute w/ values - this will list the attribute with its query and values along with the maximum and minimum choice numbers. 'Q' = Quit - Will return you to the attribute menu. @29 "ERROR ENTRY: GOAL ID NUMBER ## INVALID . Enter key to continue: " (## - The erroneous number) You have chosen a Goal number that is not valid. Check your data and try again. @30 "Goal_list Not_used_in_rules Used_in_rules" 'G' = Goal_list - List the goals defined in the system. 'N' = Not_used_in_rules - List the goals that have been defined in the system and not defined in the 'THEN:' portion of any rule. These goals MUST be used in at least one rule (in the 'THEN:' portion) to be visable to the expert system. 'U' = Used_in_rules - List the goals that have been defined in the system and used in the 'THEN:' portion of any rule. These goals are now visable to the expert system. @31 "Cannot DELETE this Goal - It is in use in RULE SET" A rule (or rules) has been detected with this goal used in either its IF: or THEN: part. If you want to delete this goal, you must previously delete all rules using this goal. @32 "Do you want to PROCEED with FILES SAVE? (y/n):" Enter 'y' if you want to save the files, else enter 'n'. This will replace the present state of files on the disk with the current state in memory. Since all editing is held in memory, it is not saved until you either save the files here or on exit. It is a good policy, if you have not made gross errors in your file, to save the files once in a while against such problems as power failure and hardware error. @33 "Do you want to PROCEED with LINKING? (y/n):" You may continue with linking by entering a 'y' or exit to main menu with a 'n'. This will link your text data files to the proper Goals, Attributes, or structures that you have created said data text files for. The text files that link to the various Attribute-value groups and Goals are created by you as ASCII files using your favorite word processor. Each word processor has a method to create an ASCII file. The lines of text cannot exceed the maximum of 400 lines per block of text. If you need this limit raised, contact Essence AI for a modified version of the program. Exceeding the maximum limit will result in an error. You may divide the text into 400 line blocks and attach to a group of Goals if you need very large text blocks. The syntax of a linkable data file that you create has a single form used by all the commands and data types. In the first and second column are pound (sharp) signs - the '#' character. So in the first two columns are '##' followed by a type designator (symbolized by 'g' below) and that is followed by a number if it is a designation that takes a number. An example would be: ##G123 Which breaks down to '##' starting in the first column followed by the type designator, (in the sample, 'G' for Goal is used), followed by the Number '123' which is the corresponding goal Number. The type designator may be in UPPER CASE or lower case - either are recognized. The 5 type designators are: 'S' (or 's')= Source file number. This is the file identification number. This present configuration will allow the linking of up to seven (7) text files. The reason for multiple text file linking to the expert system knowledge base is that this method allows one to create text that exceeds the size of one diskette (370,000 bytes on an average diskette). Therefore, such an expert system can be used on systems that might have only one or two diskette drives as opposed to only hard drives. If you ship a multiple diskette system, it is best to include a file set program that will link all the text files in case the user has a hard drive. Essence AI has this add-on software available. 'G' (or 'g')= Goal. To be displayed upon a Treminal Goal validation at run time. This text is the only candidate for multiple diskette systems as the Goals' data is only displayed once at the end of the inference engine run. 'A' (or 'a')= Attribute-Value. To be displayed during run time if the user requests an explanation of the Atribute-Value choices being presented on the screen by pressing the 'F-3' key. The explanations should be on the first file diskette that has the same file name as the system's '.RGA' and '.STR' (system created) files. They should, if at all possible, be limited to this file so the user does not have to do disk swaping during a system run. 'U' (or 'u')= Use explanation text. This will be displayed to the user at run time as the first text screen that the user will encounter. Here is where you may tell the user what the system is about, how to use it, what they will see in the Attribute-Value screens. The Use explanation should be on the first file diskette that has the same file name as the system's '.RGA' and '.STR' (system created) files. 'F' (or 'f')= Final explanation text. This will be displayed to the user at run time as the text screen that follows the system run of the Rules and precedes the display of the user answers & the validated goals and goal linked text. Here is where you may tell the user how the conclusions will appear and what they will see in the Attribute-Value choices they made. The Final explanation should be on the first file diskette that has the same file name as the system's '.RGA' and '.STR' (system created) files for ease of use. The syntax of a linkable data file is as follows: [Comments in brackets - not to be entered] [number as defined in the edit system - must match system use no.] [Example file starts after '------' line: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ##S1 [Sdisk number 1 to 7; maximum 7 diskettes per system = 2 1/2 Mb] ##G123 [5 types; 'g'=goal, 'a'=attribute-val, 'u'=use explanation text, 'f'=final explanation text, 's'=source file number] TITLE OF SPECIFIC GOAL Text that explains goal..... So on and so forth......... Etc., etc........... [This part is the information that will be displayed to the user when the runtime system is used.] [ This is the text that is being linked to the above defined system element with the defined Type (e.g. - 'g' is a GOAL) and the defined NUMBER (e.g. - 123 in this example is Goal Number 123) with all the text that follows the - '##' TEXT CODE HEADING - that will all be linked up to the next data text block that will start with the next '##' . Each file to be LINKED must start with a '##S' followed by the A VALID UNIQUE NUMBER that will be associated with that 'FILENAME.SOR' File. No two files LINKING to the same expert system can have the same ID NUMBER. The Maximum number of diskettes that can be linked to an expert system with this present configuration is 7, a reasonable number for a usable expert system. In a hard disk system, the expert system may LINK to the whole disk if so desired.] ##a12 [12=number as defined in the attribute edit system ] ATTRIBUTE-VALUE PAIR TITLE This and That......... [ This is the text that is being linked to the above defined system element with the defined Type (e.g. 'a' is a ATTRIBUTE) and the defined NUMBER (e.g. - '12' in this example is Attribute Number '12') with all the text that follows the '##a12' that will all be linked up to the next data text block that will start with the next '##'. Each Data Block Like this to be LINKED must start with a HEADER that has in its FIRST COLUMN '##'] [There are two special terminal blocks of data that are available for the system designer to use to customize the runtime system. They are the 'use' text block and the 'final' text block. The 'Use' block will appear as the first screen of data after the preliminaries of name & password have been entered. Here, you may tell your user in your own words how to use the system, what the strategies are, what the purpose is, etc. The 'final' text block appears after the run and before the display of the Attribute-Value Pairs and Goal validations & valid text data. Here you may describe how to use the final data, what the options are, etc.] [ Syntax of the User System Pre-Run explanation Block ] ##U [Identifies this terminal block as the user use explanation] This system is for.....etc,etc........ so on and so on................. (The syntax of a linkable data file continued from previous page) [ Syntax of the User explanation Post-Run Block ] ##F [Identifies this terminal block as the user final explanation] Final text of specific expert system This next section is for.....etc,etc........ so on and so on................. @34 The system has detected that there are empty goal positions and it is allowing you the opportunity to reuse them. Entering 'r' will cause the system to request what number you want to reuse. Entering 'a' will add the new goals you enter to the end of the goal list from the highest unused goal number. @35 "Are you sure about this DELETE?(y/n):" Last chance to not delete this goal. Entering 'y' will delete the goal and put the goal number on the goal REUSE list. Entering 'n' will forget the delete request. @36 "Is this the correct Goal to INSERT BEFORE? (y/n):" Just checking that you have the correct Goal to insert before. @37 There is a Text linked to this Goal that you are deleting. You must delete this text from the proper (.SOR) file or the next time you attempt to link that data text, an error will occur. Worse, you may reuse this goal number and have it connected to erroneous text. @38 "GOAL NOT USED IN ANY RULES: Enter any Key:" No tree can be displayed if a goal is not used anywhere. @39 Enter to display the requested Goal tree. @40 Enter a goal that will be used in the construction of Rules in this expert system. A goal must appear in the THEN: part of a rule or there is no way to access it. In other words, any goal not connected to (used in) at least one rule as a THEN: statement, then that goal is useless as it will not be possible to access at run time in any manner. @41 Statement creation of Attribute-value pairs precipited by the prompt: "VALUE: MIN:## MAX:## OR='OR' NOT='-' V# <-': " can be defined as: V# - Value NUMBER that is Paired with this attribute to create this Statement. MIN:## MAX:## - The ## positions define the minimum and maximum number of values that the user must enter during a inference engine system run. OR='OR' - If a number is preceded with the word 'or' (or 'OR') the statement will be tested in a "logical or" fashion with the statement preceding it. NOT = '-' A value number preceded with a dash (or negative sign) is interpreted as a NOT statement or negation of the Attribute- Value Pair. The system will prove a negative by attempting to prove it Positive and if that fails, the Negative will be considered to be TRUE or valid. <-': - Entering will send you back to the sub-system to choose another attribute if you wish. @42 "GOAL: OR='OR' NOT='-' ID G# , List, Add, or <-' to exit: " OR='OR' - If a number is preceded with the word 'or' (or 'OR') the statement will be tested in a "logical or" fashion with the statement preceding it. NOT = '-' A goal number preceded with a dash (or negative sign) is interpreted as a NOT statement or negation of the Goal. The system will prove a negative by attempting to prove it Positive and if that fails, the Negative will be considered to be TRUE or valid. G# - Goal NUMBER that is to create this Statement. 'L' = List - List on the Video display a goal list. You will be prompted for the first goal to display. 'A' = Add - Add a Goal that you need and realize that you have forgotten to previously add from the goal system menu. <-': - Entering will send you back to the sub-system to choose another function if you wish. @43 The Goal statement you have selected will be displayed so that you may validate that your selection is accurate. 'y' will send the statement to the Rule window and a 'n' will forget this statement and allow you another statement call if you wish. @44 " (Up Down Arrows) '+'=SELECTION '-'=CANCEL =DONE " "F1-HELP F2-USE F3-DEFINE TERMS F4-RULE F5-DEFAULT VALUE F7-QUIT/EXIT" This is the heart of the inference engine. Here, you are queryed as to what your responses are to displayed data choices. A choice is made by entering a '+' (plus sign). This will display a ('+') plus sign in reverse video in the first column to the left of the selected data that you are answering the query with. An answer can be altered before leaving the query by canceling with the entry of a '-' (minus sign) at the position that is now marked with a '+'. The up and down cursor positioning arrows on the number pad on the right side of the keyboard allow you to choose the answers as they are highlighted for selection. You cannot complete an answer if the minimum and maximum selection requirements are not fulfilled. Your answer must be within these parameters. When you are satisfied that you have made the correct selections, enter the key and the next query will be made based on your previous responses. F1-HELP = Will display the brief explanations of the keys that you may use and their function. F2-USE = This explanation is displayed with F2. F3-DEFINE TERMS = This will display the explanations about the query and answers if any have been written by the system designer. F4-RULE = The Rule that has prompted the asking of the displayed query will be listed when F4 is selected. If the present rule is based on a chain of rules, you will be prompted to answer yes or no to the question: Continue Listing Rules? (y/n): Obviously a 'y' (yes) response will display the next rule in the chain that prompted the presently displayed rule. No ('n') will stop the rule display chaining and return to the query display. F5-DEFAULT VALUE = If a default value has been defined for this query by the system designer, the entry of F5 will cause the system to set the query answers to that default. F7-QUIT/EXIT = Will allow premature exiting of the program query-rule rule chaining and allow you to exit and save a partial run of the system and/or display what valid conclusions the system may have drawn so far. When the system has completed its query portion, it will display the answers that you gave plus the answers that the system was able to infer from your answers. You may select to display any text that might accompany the answers by the plus '+' selection method. Various options of valid data display will be made available to you on video displays that will follow. @45 If the present rule is based on a chain of rules, you will be prompted to answer yes or no to the question: Continue Listing Rules? (y/n): Obviously a 'y' (yes) response will display the next rule in the chain that prompted the presently displayed rule. No ('n') will stop the rule display chaining and return to the query display. @46 The text presently being displayed can be printed with this selection. Entering 'y' will proceed to do so and 'n' will return you to the previous display without printing. @47 The Attribute name that you have chosen can be edited. See the 'Readme.txt' Text file or Manual to find the edit commands that are used. @48 "Is the above entry correct? or forget change (y/n/f): " The Above edited attribute will be accepted and changed by entering 'y', you will be given another chance if you enter 'n', or no change will be made with the entry of 'f' to forget any change. @49 "Enter ATTRIBUTE ID # to DELETE (Range 1 to ##) or Quit: " (##) = Highest Attribute number. Enter the number of the attribute to delete or 'q' to quit and return to the attribute menu. @50 This will display the list of goals in the set order. Entering a '+' on any highlighted goal will display the text connected with it in the associated '.SOR' file. If there is no text linked to a given goal, it will be so indicated. If your system is running from diskettes and the current one is not the diskette containing the requested text, you will be prompted to enter the proper diskette. @51 "Do you want to list the Goals in RELATION to RULES? (y/n): " This will provide you with a list of both the Goals that are presently Used (attached) or Not used in the 'THEN:' portion of a Rule. If a Goal is not presently attached to the "THEN:' portion of a Rule, it has no way of being proven and, therefore, is effectivly useless to the system. @52 "Do you want to list the Goals Used or Not used in RULES? (u/n): " 'U' = Entering 'u' will provide you with a list of the Goals presently being USED by the system in that they appear in the 'THEN:' section of at least one Rule in the system. These Goals are therefore available for use by the system. The 'N' = Entering 'n' will provide you with a list of the Goals are presently being NOT USED by the system (attached to the 'THEN:'portion of a Rule). If a Goal is presently NOT USED in the 'THEN:' portion of a Rule, it has no way of being proven and, therefore, is effectivly useless to the system. @53 The functions for the Goal Edit system: "GOAL:(Add Edit Move Insert Delete Tree Print List Seek Re-use) rUn eXit" are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. They are: 'A' = Add - Add a Goal to the Goal list. You will be prompted for the re-use of a deleted goal number if any exist or if you prefer to add to the end of the goal list. 'E' = Edit - Edit an existing Goal that has been previously defined. 'M' = Move - Move a goal or range of goals to a new position in the active goal list. Since the system at run time examines the relevant rules according to the order defined by the arrangement of the active goal list (goals in the Then: part of a active Rule), this order is given total control to the designer. 'I' = Insert - Insert a Goal or group of goals before a given goal number. 'D' = Delete - Delete an existing goal. 'T' = Tree - Goal tree display. If a given goal is used in any rules, those rules will be displayed in a tree explosion. 'P' = Print - Print a goal list. 'L' = List - List on the Video display a goal list. You will be prompted for the first goal to display. 'S' = Seek - List on the Video display a goal list that contains a given string of characters. You will be prompted for the character string. 'R' = Re-use - List the goal numbers that have been deleted and are available for re-use. 'U' = rUn - Run the Expert System Inference engine. After the run, you will be returned to this menu. 'X' = eXit-add - Add the present edit to the rule system and exit this edit sub-system to the Rule system menu. @54 The goal edit system will allow you to reuse the previous goal name or clear the entry space. Entering 'c' will clear the entry space for a totally new entry. Entering a 'r' will allow you to reuse the previously entered goal as the basis for the name of the next goal entered. If you want to save and edit the default goal name, be sure that the first character you enter is not a printable character (such as a '->', a cursor positioning arrow) else the system will clear the entry space. @55 "Should I clear (.SOR) file positions? All, None, Displayed. (a,n,d): " Answers are: 'A' = Clear all positions. You must re-link all (.SOR) files after this. 'D' = Clear all positions that are previously linked to the file ID number that this file is identified with. The '##s' command. For example, if the file starts with '##S3' then files linked to the third file position will be cleared. 'N' = None. Forget and return for another file name. This query is allowing you to abort the File LINK opperation if you have chosen the wrong file name or have it stored under the wrong number in the file. NOTE!! the 'u' = USE and 'f' = FINAL type files must be in the first (.SOR) file (designated by a '##S1' entered as the first command-file identifier in the text (.SOR) file). The text links for 'USE' and 'FINAL' will be cleared if containing prior information when you link the file identified as '##s1'. @56 Here you may edit a previously entered Goal. Clearing this position will result in no changes taking place (If you want to delete a rule, you must use the Delete Goal sub-system). See "readme.txt" for editing commands. @57 "Enter GOAL NUMBER ID (RANGE 1 to ##) to MODE or '0' to exit: " ## = The Highest Goal number. MODE = mode of request - "INSERT", "DELETE", "EDIT", "EXPLODE". This is the sub-system that requests you to enter a goal number to INSERT, DELETE, EXPLODE, or EDIT in their respective systems. The range is the entire Goal list, used or unused. @58 This will display the list of attributes. Entering a '+' on any highlighted attribute will display the text connected with it in the associated '.SOR' file. If there is no text linked to a given attribute, it will be so indicated. If your system is running from diskettes and the current one is not the diskette containing the requested text, you will be prompted to enter the proper diskette. @59 "Do you want Run-time System to REQUEST Name & Password (y/n): " During the Run of the run-time inference engine, the system designer has the option of having the end user enter their name & a password to identify that particular run. This serves the dual purpose of saving the run under a unique name and providing security. This may be used if one do not want others accessing their expert system information. Such may be desirable on a system that performs psychologocal evaluations or deals with other sensitive material. The Password is incrypted so even a system dump will not produce one's answers. If you answer 'n' for 'no', The Name and Password request will be bypassed. If you answer 'y' for 'yes', The following will appear during the beginning of each inference engine, run-time system run: "Enter NAME (or to exit): " "Enter ID or PASSWORD: " ( This is the Password help text: This password will be used to exclusively identify you and will be scrambled in the file so that no one will be able to access your file without your permission. Enter that password that, if you save this run, will be used for identification when you want to access it in the future. If you enter nothing, the runtime file will not be password protected.) @60 "ENTER Attribute NUMBER to Start Print LIST -Range(1 to ##): " (##) = Highest Attribute number. The first number to start the print list. If the number you select is empty, you will be prompted for another. @61 "ENTER Attribute NUMBER to End Print LIST -Range(1 to ##): " (##) = Highest Attribute number. The number to end the print list. If the number you select is empty, you will be prompted for another. @62 The functions for the Attribute system: "Add List Edit Delete Print Seek Reuse-list rUn eXit" are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. They are: 'A' = Add - Add an attribute to the expert system. These are defined for use in the rules of the system. If a rule does not manage to instantiate (Pair ) an attribute with a given value and it is needed to validate a statement pairing that is put forth in a given rule IF: section, the user will be asked for a selection of values to be paired with the given attribute. Once an attribute has been queryed, it will not be queryed again, and, if another pairing is needed to be validated, whatever was paired on the first (and therefore only) query will be the only pairings available to prove rules true. The only other way pairings can occur after a user qury, would be an incidental pairing as a result of a statement being validated in a THEN: of a Rule. 'L' = List - List an existing attribute-value on the Video. 'E' = Edit - Edit an existing attribute-value group that has been previously defined. 'D' = Delete - Delete an existing attribute-value group. It will not be allowed if not used in a rule. 'P' = Print - Print an existing attribute-value group on the printer. The printer must be on line. 'S' = Seek - Seek the attribute list for a given character string that you will be prompted for. The list of the existing attributes that contain the string (if any) will be displayed. 'R' = Reuse-list - List the attribute numbers that are empty and available for re-entry. These have been deleted previously. 'U' = rUn - Run the Expert System Inference engine. After the run, you will be returned to this menu. 'X' = eXit - Exit the attribute system and return to the Main system menu. @63 "ERROR ENTRY: ATTRIBUTE ID NUMBER ## INVALID . Enter key to continue: " You have entered the number (##) of an attribute that is empty. Check it out and try again. @64 "VALUE # V# IN USE in RULE R#!!.. NO DELETE!!!..Enter <-': " V# - The Value Number in question. R# - The Rule Number in question. The displayed value number is used by the displayed rule number. The numbered Rule must be deleted before this attribute can be deleted. @65 "Are you sure about this DELETE?(y/n):" Last chance to stop the delete of this attribute-value group. 'y' will delete the group; 'n' will return you to the menu without the delete. @66 The system has detected that there are empty attribute positions and it is allowing you the opportunity to reuse them. Entering 'r' will cause the system to request what number you want to reuse. Entering 'a' will add the new attributes you enter to the end of the attribute list from the highest unused attribute number. @67 Enter and edit the attribute. See the 'Readme.txt' Text file or Manual to find the edit commands that are used. @68 "MINIMUM number of VALUES for rule USER ANSWERS: " Enter a new Minimum Value selection number. This is the minimum number of values that a user must select when running the runtime inference engine. @69 "MAXIMUM number of VALUES for rule USER ANSWERS: " Enter a new Maximum Value selection number. This is the maximum number of values that a user must select when running the runtime inference engine. @70 "ATTRIBUTE ID NUMBER(s) [#,#,..], Range, All, or Quit: " Print select attribute-value groups if number(s) are entered. They must be separated by commas. 'R'= Range - Print a selected Range of attribute-value groups. You will be prompted for the first and last attribute numbers of the range to be printed. 'A' = All - Print all the attribute-value groups defined. 'Q' = Quit - Will return you to the attribute menu. @71 "ATTRIBUTE ##-(Range: 1 to A#), List, or to exit: " A#- Highest attribute number. If a number is entered, the Attribute-value group will be displayed if a valid number is entered. 'L' = List - List the attribute ids. You will be prompted for the starting id number to list from. to exit: - Return to the attribute menu. @72 "ENTER run FILE ID NUMBER(or 0 to Exit): " Enter the run FILE ID NUMBER that was assigned by the system when the run that you wish to recall was first run. Entering '0' will exit the program run. @73 This is the explanation of the terms that the person running the program is queried about. If there is no text to explain the terms, you will be informed by the system. @74 This is the explanation of the terms that, in the course of a run of the program, are validated. If there is no text to explain the terms, you will be informed by the system. @75 This is the explanation of the use of this system that is displayed before the run of the program. @76 This is the explanation at the conclusion of the rule logic run and prior to the display of the final validated data. @77 This is the COLOR SET SUB SYSTEM. Here, you can set the colors of the: (1) BDR BGD = Window Border Background - This is the one character position that the border character is printed in. (2) BDR CLR = Window Border Color - This is the one character that is Used to create the border. (3) WDW BGD = Window Background Color - This is the color that fills the window background. (4) TXT CLR = Window Text Color - This is the color that the text written into the window will be displayed in. The COLOR NUMBER Definitions are: BLACK = 0; BLUE = 1; GREEN = 2; CYAN = 3; RED = 4; MAGENTA = 5; BROWN =6; WHITE = 7; GRAY = 8; LIGHT BLUE = 9 ; LIGHT GREEN = 10 ; LIGHT CYAN = 11; LIGHT RED = 12; LIGHT MAGENTA = 13; YELLOW = 14; BRIGHT WHITE = 15; Note - Any number over 7 in the BACKGROUND Position will set blinking in Color. WINDOW DESCRIPTIONS = Error One, Five Lines - The 5 line error window used for most errors. Single Line - The 1 line window. Five Line - The 5 line window. Full Eighteen Line - The 18 line window. Text Display - Used for all display of Text file (.SOR) data. Rule Display - The Rule Display window. Ten Line - The 10 line window. Menu Footer Display - The window that displays all function selections. 2nd Single Line - The second 1 line window. Help Display - The window that is now displaying this help text. Query Display - The Run-time Query display window. Value Display - The Run-time Value display window. Rule Edit Display - The Rule Edit Display display window. Rule Number Display - The Rule Number display window. Return Request - The "Enter Return to continue" window. No Border, 1 Line - The help display characters window. Print Text Query - The window that asks if you have correctly selected the text print function. Error Two, Five Lines - The second error window. Full Menu & Titles - The over-all background color of the main full screen window & the editor title windows display borders. Runtime Display - The run-time title windows display borders. Note!!! - If you set the background and foreground colors of the border or the window color and the text color to the same number, nothing will display. If this occurs, you must re-load the "USRFIL.IDX" to return to the original default colors. @78 "Does your printer line terminate with New line or Return-new line(n/r):" This allows you to set the line terminator for your printer. Some printers end lines with only a 'new line', others end with a 'return' followed by a 'new line'. Choices: 'R' = 'Return/new line'. If your lines look like this when you print them then you should choose 'R' for 'Return/new line'. 'N' = 'New line'. If your lines look like this when you print (with two line double spacing where there should be one) then you should choose 'N' for 'New line'. @79 "default Color, File set, Black-white, Re-set, or eXit? (c/f/b/r/x):" 'C' = Set the screen and character attributes to the Default settings of the color system. Note, on a Mono-chrome system this will cause underlines, blinking, and other strange manifestations of the wrong settings. 'F' = Set the screen and character attributes to the settings that are presently in the file having been set by previous runs of this color set system or by the software developer. Note, on a Mono-chrome system, if the previous settings in the file are color settings, this will cause underlines, blinking, and other strange manifestations of the wrong settings. 'B' = Set the screen and character attributes to the Default settings of the Mono-chrome system. This will cause all screen attributes to appear in Black & White. 'R' = Reset will allow you to set the file-stored settings for the system. These settings will then come up when you call the system & may be changed in the future with this present function. If you obscure the settings beyond repair, you should re-load the "eairhlp.idx" file from your Master disk. 'X' = Exit without changing anything. @80 "Choose one of the actions listed below (a/i/m/v/q/x): " "EDIT: Attribute mInimum Maximum Value Query eXit" 'A' = Attribute - Edit the Attribute. 'I' = mInimum - Enter a new Minimum Value selection number. This is the minimum number of values that a user must select when running the runtime inference engine. 'M' = Maximum - Enter a new Maximum Value selection number. This is the maximum number of values that a user must select when running the runtime inference engine. 'V' = Value - Call the Value edit sub-system. You may freely change the values entered (edit, add, delete) if this attribute has not been used in any rules. If it has been used, the value edit system is slightly more restrictive in that you cannot delete any value used in one rule or more. The value positions are frozen so that errors with rule usage are held in check. 'Q' = Query - The query that is used in the runtime system may be edited. 'X' = eXit - Exit the attribute edit system and return to the attribute system menu. @81 Enter a new Minimum or Maximum Value selection number as requested. This is the minimum or maximum number of values that a user must select when running the runtime inference engine. @82 "Atttribute ID # to START LIST - Range 1 to ##, (\'0\' = Quit): "; ## = The number of the highest Attribute ID to start the list from. Since you have chosen to display values and the system has allocated a maximum display possibility of 2 to 4 Values per Attribute, to see all the matches you must choose a higher number if the line: "OVERFLOW of LIST: RE-SEEK with LAST DISPLAYED ATTRIBUTE NUMBER" is displayed. @83 "What LINE NUMBER to EDIT, from 1 to S# or '0' to quit: " S# = statement number in the chosen section to edit. '0' will quit thie statement edit section and return to the rule edit menu. @84 "What LINE NUMBER to DELETE, from 1 to S# or '0' to quit: " S# = statement number in the chosen section to delete. '0' will quit thie statement delete section and return to the rule edit menu. @85 "Re-use an empty Rule position, Add to list end, or eXit(r/a/x): " The system has detected that there are empty Rule positions and it is allowing you the opportunity to reuse them. Entering 'r' will cause the system to request what number you want to reuse. Entering 'a' will add the new Rules you enter to the end of the Rule list from the highest unused Rule number. @86 The Rule Add sub-system functions: "Attribute Goal Object Repeat Next-rule Then: List Print Delete eXit-add" are called by and defined as: 'A' = Attribute - This allows the choice of attribute-value pairs for Rule statements. 'G' = Goal - You may choose Goals for Rule statements. 'O' = Object - This chooses Objects for Rule statements. 'R' = Repeat - Conditions may be repeated from a previously defined Rule. You will be prompted for the rule number to repeat IF: statements from and how many statements you want repeated. 'N' = Next-rule - Continue adding rules by setting up for the next rule. 'T' = Then: - Go to the THEN: part of the Rule to add statements. 'L' = List - List a rule, either a previously defined one or the one you are presently working on. 'P' = Print - Print a Rule that has been defined. 'D' = Delete - Delete this Rule you are currently attempting to define. 'X' = eXit-add - Add the current rule and exit to the Rule system menu. @87 "Enter RULE ID # desired between 1 and R# or '0' to forget: " R# = Highest rule number. Enter Rule number of the Rule that you want listed or printed as you have selected. It will be rejected if you chose an empty rule position. @88 "HAVE YOU REQUESTED TO DELETE THIS RULE? (y/n): " This is checking to see if have correctly requested the delete of the rule you have been presently defining. @89 "ATTRIBUTE ##-(Range: 1 to A#), List, Add, or to exit: " A# = Highest Attribute number. If you enter a number, an attribute with its values and minimum and maximum value selection numbers will be displayed. Only 8 value selections can be displayed at a time so if there are more then 8 values then the Esc must hit before your selection(s) can be made. 'L' = List - List the available attribute names so you can see the id numbers that you might want to select Attribute-value Pairs from. 'A' = Add -Add a Attribute-Value group that you need and realize that you have forgotten to previously add from the attribute system menu. = Return to the Add rule sub-system menu. @90 (Up Down arrows) '+'=CHOOSE ME PgUp PgDn Home End F1=HELP F2=USE =EXIT F4=RULE Up - Down arrows - The up and down cursor positioning arrows on the number pad on the right side of the keyboard allow you to choose the answers as they are highlighted for selection. '+'=CHOOSE ME - The plus sign will select the data for display. PgUp - Will display the group of data names above in the list if there are more then one display window's worth of names and you are not presently at the head of the list. PgDn - Will display the group of data names below in the list if there are more then one display window's worth of names and you are not presently at the end of the list. Home - Displays the group of data names at the head of the list if there are more then one display window's worth of names. End - Displays the group of data names at the end of the list if there are more then one display window's worth of names. F1=HELP - Will display the commands possible from this window. Basically similar to what you are reading here. F2=USE - Will display this help data. =EXIT - Will exit to the next section. F4=RULE - If This is a Program Run, you will be prompted for what rule want displayed. @91 "Have you requested to CLOSE this evaluation & EXIT?(y/n):" You have entered 'F7' which is a request to abandon this run. The system will allow you to choose to exit to the next section by selecting 'y'. Entering 'n' will return you to the previous section of goal-seeking. @92 An error has occurred writing to the USRFIL.IDX. Make sure the disk with this file is in the default drive. @93 The functions for the Rule system: "RULE: ( Add Delete Print List Edit Reuse-list ) rUn eXit" are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. They are: 'A' = Add - Add a rule to the expert system. The rule you wish to add must have its constituent parts defined already in the goal, attribute, and object systems. If that parts you need have not yet been defined, exit with 'x' and define before continuing. 'D' = Delete - Delete an existing rule. The rule number will be added to the Reuse-list to allow it to be reused. 'P' = Print - Print an existing rule on the printer. The printer must be on line. 'L' = List - List an existing rule on the Video. 'E' = Edit - Edit an existing rule that has been previously defined. 'R' = Reuse-list - List the rule numbers that are empty and available for re-entry. These have been deleted previously. 'U' = rUn - Run the Expert System Inference engine. After the run, you will be returned to this menu. 'X' = eXit - Exit the rule system and return to the Main system menu. @94 "The NUMBER of RULE POSITIONS is 0! Enter any key: " There are no rules defined. @95 "Enter RULE ID NUMBER 1 to ## to MODE or '0' to EXIT: " ## = The Highest Rule number. MODE = mode of request - "INSERT", "DELETE", "EDIT", or "REPEAT CONDITIONS". This is the sub-system that requests you to enter a rule number to INSERT, DELETE, EDIT, REPEAT CONDITIONS in their respective systems. The range is the entire Rule list, used or unused. @96 "THIS RULE NUMBER IS IN USE!! enter any key:" If a rule number is in use, it cannot be chosen for this purpose. @97 "THIS RULE NUMBER IS EMPTY!! enter any key:" If a rule number is empty, it cannot be chosen for this purpose. @98 "Are You SURE You Want this Rule DELETED?(y/n): " Last chance to not delete this rule. Entering 'y' will delete the rule and put the rule number on the rule REUSE list. Entering 'n' will forget the delete request. @99 There is a Text linked to this Rule that you are deleting. You must delete this text from the proper (.SOR) file or the next time you attempt to link that data text, an error will occur. Worse, you may reuse this rule number and have it connected to erroneous text. @100 "Is this session?:" "(1) A NEW Evaluation." "(2) RESUMPTION of a Previous Interrupted Evaluation." "(3) EXAMINE Answers of a Previous Evaluation." "(4) EXIT." (1) - A NEW Evaluation. Will open a new file for a new Program run. (2) - RESUMPTION of a Previous Interrupted Evaluation. This will allow you to recall a previously interrupted evaluation and continue on right where you left off. (3) - EXAMINE Answers of a Previous Evaluation. A previously run evaluation (if it has been saved, of course) can be examined for the data that has been validated. (4) - EXIT. This will exit without running the program. @101 At the Prompt: "DOS->" you may enter any DOS command. If there is an entry made, the system will attempt to execute the command by invoking the MS-DOS COMMAND.COM file. If you do not have the overlay version of the expert system editor and memory less then 512K or the program you are calling is large, there may not be enough memory available to fulfill your DOS program request. Also, if there is a serious error in the program you are calling, the system may not recover or return to the AVATAR editor. @102 ***** @103 "Enter NAME (or to exit): " Enter the name that, if you save this run, will be used for identification when you want to access it in the future. If you enter nothing, the system will exit and not run the Program. @104 "Enter ID or PASSWORD: " This password will be used to exclusively identify you and will be scrambled in the file so that no one will be able to access your file without your permission. Enter that password that, if you save this run, will be used for identification when you want to access it in the future. If you enter nothing, the runtime file will not be password protected. @105 (1) "FILENAME not on default disk." or (2) "Can't OPEN "FILENAME" on disk." Errors above will call the prompt: "REPLACE FILE DISK & enter 'c' to continue or 'x' to Exit(c/x):" This allows you, if you are running a diskette system, to: ERROR (1) Replace the diskette with FILENAME on it. ERROR (2) Replace the diskette with sufficient room on it to open the file. @106 "Enter any key to continue; ESC to EXIT" At this point, you may choose to continue by hitting any key other then Esc or enter Esc to Exit the program. @107 MAIN EXPERT SYSTEM MENU "Rule Attribute Goal Object Data Link File rUn System eXit-system" This is the main expert system main menu from which all the sub-systems are accessed. They are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the sub-system name. The sub-systems are: 'R' = Rule - Call the rule system to list, add, edit, delete rules. 'A' = Attribute - Call the attribute system to list, add, edit, delete attributes. 'G' = Goal - Call the Goal system to list, add, edit, delete Goals. 'O' = Object - Call the Object system to list, add, edit, delete Objects. 'D' = Data - Call the Data system to add, review, edit runtime system Author, Title, Name and password runtime setting, Goal runtime testing mode set, Color setting, Printer end of line setting. 'L' = Link - Call the Link system to link the data in the text '.SOR' files to the respective Goals, Attributes, and Rules that they have been created for. 'F' = File - Write the expert system files for a saved, updated version. Since all editing is done in current memory, if there is a hardware error such as a power failure during editing, all changes since the last File save (Write) will be lost. 'U' = rUn - Run the Expert System Inference engine. After the run, you will be returned to this menu. 'S' = System - Exit to a DOS system call. 'X' = eXit-system - Exit the expert system edit system and will move to to the File Write menu to allow you to choose to save this edit session as you exit. @108 "RULE ID # to START PRINT - Range 1 to RUL#, ('0' = Quit): " RUL# = This will be the High Rule Number. Enter the NUMBER to Start the Range of rules to print. @109 Here, you may enter up to three lines that will appear directly under the prior defined attribute during a run of the inference engine. This is offered to allow you to clarify for your end users what is the best choice of connections between the displayed attribute and the values attached to same. @110 "Enter Number of IF: conditions to REPEAT - Range - 0 to ##" '##'= The total number of the 'IF:' conditions attached to the rule that you have chosen for the condition(s) to be repeated form. Entering '0' will return to the request screen without any conditions repeated. @111 In the value edit system menu, This will appear if any values have been used in any rules: "VALUE action: Delete Edit Add eXit (d/e/a/x): " They are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the name of the VALUE action desired. They are: 'D' = Delete - Delete a value. This will leave the position open for future use, but an empty value slot will not be displayed during the use of the runtime system. This prevents the perpetration of incidental and un-detected errors that might occur if a strict control was not kept over the value number-name relationship when a value from a given attribute has been used in a rule. This hopefully keeps as high an integrity in the rules as possible. A Value may not be deleted if it is used in one or more rules. 'E' = Edit - Edit a Value. If you clear a value to no characters, the system will ignore your edit. If you want to delete a value, use the Delete selection, not the Edit selection. 'A' = Add - Add a value. You may add value to the end of the list or reuse an empty value position that has been cleared by a previous value delete. 'X' = eXit = Exit to the edit attribute-value sub-system. @112 "MAXIMUM (15) VALUES in use for this configuration - enter any key:" The system in its present configuration is set with a maximum of 15 values per attribute. If more values per attribute are needed, please contact essence A. I. for a parameter increase. @113 "choose:Re-use of empty value, Add to list-end, or eXit (r/a/x): " In adding values to this attribute, the system has detected that there are deletions of previous values. You may reuse these positions in your additions by entering 'R' or add to the end of the value list with the entry of an 'A'. If you do not want to add values, enter 'X' to exit to the attribute-value edit sub-system. @114 "RULE ID # to END PRINT - Range 1 to RUL#, ('0' = Quit): " RUL# = This will be the High Rule Number. Enter the NUMBER to End the Range of rules to print. @115 "VALUE # V# IN USE in RULE THEN: - ID # R#!!.. NO DELETE!!!..Enter : V# = Value number. R# = Rule number. If a attribute-value pair is used in the 'Then:' of a Rule, It cannot be deleted or we would have anarchy. @116 "VALUE # V# IN USE in RULE IF: TIMES=T#!!.. NO DELETE!!!..Enter : V# = Value number. T# = Number of times used in IF: sections of rules. If a attribute-value pair is used in the 'IF:' of a Rule, It cannot be deleted. @117 "Are you sure about this DELETE?(y/n):" This is the last chance to back out of the proposed delete of a value. 'Y' will delete the value and 'N' will forget it. @118 Here you may enter a value and/or edit a value. If you are editing and the name space is cleared, then your edit will be ignored. If you want to delete a value, you must explicitly call that function. Values are allowed to be up to 62 characters long. @119 "Enter VALUE NUMBER to MODE or '0' to continue: " The MODE in the above defined sentence that you have responded to with a help request may have the values - REUSE - Must be a number of an empty value slot of a previously deleted value. EDIT or DELETE - Must be a number of an existing value slot that has been previously defined. @120 "ERROR!! VALUE IN USE - enter : " You have responded to the request for the number of the value position you want to reuse with the number of a value slot that is presently in use. Try again - it must be an empty position or you cannot reuse it. @121 "ERROR!! VALUE POSITION EMPTY - enter : ", You have responded to the request for the number of the value position you want with the number of a value slot that is presently empty. Try again - it must be a position in use or no action can take place upon it. @122 "Do you want to CLEAR previous LINK POSITIONS? (y/n):" This will unlink all previous link positions and, if you have linked a part of the system prior to this, it all must be re-linked; so, use with caution. If there are errors, you will most certainly want to re-link the entire system. @123 **** @124 "Source FILE (.SOR) to LINK (Clear to exit): " This is the name of the SOURCE DATA TEXT File that you have defined with your favorite word processor. This file must be turned into an ASCII File (to do this, read your word processing manual or contact your software supplier or the manufacturer of your word processor.) The FILENAME that you enter must be the DOS valid filename (8 characters or less) that you have given to this LINK File. It must have the extension of '.SOR' such that the filename looks like 'FILENAME.SOR'. The file name must be unique and be accompanied by a unique number that will be used by the system to keep multiple diskettes in order. If you are creating an expert system that will use diskettes, up to 7 diskettes may be linked with one file per diskette (which may fill the entire diskette). If the file cannot be found, you will be told. The syntax of a linkable data file is as follows: [Comments in brackets - not to be entered] [number as defined in the edit system - must match system use no.] [Example file starts after '------' line: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ##S1 [Sdisk number 1 to 7; maximum 7 diskettes per system = 2 1/2 Mb] ##G123 [5 types; 'g'=goal, 'a'=attribute-val, 'u'=use explanation text, 'f'=final explanation text, 's'=source file number] TITLE OF SPECIFIC GOAL Text that explains goal..... So on and so forth......... Etc., etc........... [This part is the information that will be displayed to the user when the runtime system is used.] [ This is the text that is being linked to the above defined system element with the defined Type (e.g. - 'g' is a GOAL) and the defined NUMBER (e.g. - 123 in this example is Goal Number 123) with all the text that follows the - '##' TEXT CODE HEADING - that will all be linked up to the next data text block that will start with the next '##' . Each file to be LINKED must start with a '##S' followed by the A VALID UNIQUE NUMBER that will be associated with that 'FILENAME.SOR' File. No two files LINKING to the same expert system can have the same ID NUMBER. The Maximum number of diskettes that can be linked to an expert system with this present configuration is 7, a reasonable number for a usable expert system. In a hard disk system, the expert system may LINK to the whole disk if so desired.] ##a12 [12=number as defined in the attribute edit system ] ATTRIBUTE-VALUE PAIR TITLE This and That......... [ This is the text that is being linked to the above defined system element with the defined Type (e.g. 'a' is a ATTRIBUTE) and the defined NUMBER (e.g. - '12' in this example is Attribute Number '12') with all the text that follows the '##a12' that will all be linked up to the next data text block that will start with the next '##'. Each Data Block Like this to be LINKED must start with a HEADER that has in its FIRST COLUMN '##'] [There are two special terminal blocks of data that are available for the system designer to use to customize the runtime system. They are the 'use' text block and the 'final' text block. The 'Use' block will appear as the first screen of data after the preliminaries of name & password have been entered. Here, you may tell your user in your own words how to use the system, what the strategies are, what the purpose is, etc. The 'final' text block appears after the run and before the display of the Attribute-Value Pairs and Goal validations & valid text data. Here you may describe how to use the final data, what the options are, etc.] [ Syntax of the User System Pre-Run explanation Block ] ##U [Identifies this terminal block as the user use explanation] This system is for.....etc,etc........ so on and so on................. (The syntax of a linkable data file continued from previous page) [ Syntax of the User explanation Post-Run Block ] ##F [Identifies this terminal block as the user final explanation] Final text of specific expert system This next section is for.....etc,etc........ so on and so on................. @125 "The NUMBER of GOAL POSITIONS is 0!!! enter any key: " If there are no goals, you cannot list them or anything other then add some. @126 "Enter GOAL ID NUMBER 1 to HIGOAL# MODE or '0' to EXIT: " HIGOAL# - The Highest defined Goal position, empty or used. MODE - This could be the definition of a RANGE, Goal to REUSE, DELETE, EDIT, ADD, Etc. @127 "THIS GOAL NUMBER IS IN USE!! enter any key:" You have responded to the request for the number of the goal position you want to reuse with the number of a goal slot that is presently in use. Try again - it must be an empty position or you cannot reuse it. @128 "THIS GOAL NUMBER IS EMPTY!! enter any key:" You have responded to the request for the number of the goal position you want with the number of a goal slot that is presently empty. Try again - it must be a position in use or no action can take place upon it. @129 "The NUMBER of ATTRIBUTE POSITIONS is 0!!! enter any key: " You have responded to the request for the number of the attribute position you want with the number of a attribute slot that is presently empty. Try again - it must be a position in use or no action can take place upon it. @130 "Enter ATTRIBUTE ID NUMBER (1 to A#) to MODE or '0' to EXIT: " A# = The Highest Attribute number. MODE = mode of request - "INSERT", "DELETE", "EDIT", "PRINT". This is the sub-system that requests you to enter a attribute number to INSERT, DELETE, EDIT, RE-USE or PRINT in their respective systems. The range is the entire Attribute list, used or unused. @131 "THIS ATTRIBUTE NUMBER IS IN USE!! enter any key:" You have responded to the request for the number of the attribute position you want to reuse with the number of a attribute slot that is presently in use. Try again - it must be an empty position or you cannot reuse it. @132 "THIS ATTRIBUTE NUMBER IS EMPTY!! enter any key:" You have responded to the request for the number of the attribute position you want with the number of a attribute slot that is presently empty. Try again - it must be a position in use or no action can take place upon it. @133 "DO YOU WANT TO STOP PRINTING? (y/n): " The system has detected a key has been hit and wants to know if you want to stop printing what you are currently printing. Entering 'Y' will stop printing (after continuing to print long enough to empty the printer buffer) or 'N' will allow the printer to continue printing its report. @134 "AUTHOR:" Enter a maximum of 60 characters for the author that will be displayed during the runtime inference engine run of the system. @135 "TITLE:" Enter a maximum of 64 characters for the title that will be displayed for this expert system during the runtime inference engine run of the system. @136 "UNABLE to OPEN FILE - Try AGAIN? (y/n): " The system cannot find the file you have been asked to enter the disk of in the default disk drive. You may have the the wrong default drive activated (to change logged on drive, you must go back to DOS). The diskette (if you are running a diskette system) may be the one with the wrong file on it (change it) or, if you are using a hard disk system, you may have the wrong directory path activated (change it from DOS). @137 "Enter Word(s) or Phrase to SEARCH Goal for: " The character string will be searched for in the entire goal list. It may contain spaces and any printable character. This will also match any partial part of a word or phrase that contains the search string in its entirety. The search is not Upper or lower case sensitive. Example: With a search string of: "what is" would activate all these: what is happening? What Is happening? WHAT is it all about: what isn't whAT Isn't Why is what isn't What issues are WHAT These will not be activated: what I see (not the same string, a space is between the 'I' and the 'see') Hat Is red (not the same string, the 'W' is missing) @138 ***** @139 ***** @140 "Enter Word(s) or Phrase to SEARCH Attribute for: " The character string will be searched for in the entire attribute list. It may contain spaces and any printable character. This will also match any partial part of a word or phrase that contains the search string in its entirety. The search is not Upper or lower case sensitive. Example: With a search string of: "what is" would activate all these: what is happening? What Is happening? WHAT is it all about: what isn't whAT Isn't Why is what isn't What issues are WHAT These will not be activated: what I see (not the same string, a space is between the 'I' and the 'see') Hat Is red (not the same string, the 'W' is missing) @141 Enter the the statement before which you want statements INSERTED in the section activated (IF: or THEN:). It must be within the stated range of statement numbers. If you choose '1' you will be inserting statements in front of all others or at the head of the rule. @142 "Do you want to TEST ALL Connecting RULES?(y/n): " Do you want to test all the rules that are connected with this goal when this goal is used at runtime in the inference engine. Entering 'y' will not stop testing rules when a valid goal is proven, but will continue to the end of this goal's 'Then:'-connected rule list. Entering 'n' will stop goal-testing at the first validated goal that is found. @143 "Do you want a SYSTEM BACK-UP Created?(y/n):" This will create a back-up of the expert system now being edited. The system files '.RGA' and '.STR' that are presently on the disk, will be changed to '.BGA' and '.BTR' while writing the newly edited files with the normal '.RGA' and '.STR' extensions. The current back-ups that may exist will be whipped out. If a recovery of a back-up file is needed, run the '.bat' file named 'RECALLBP'. @144 "Do you want to Continue with GOAL DELETE?(y/n): ", This is the last chance to back out of the proposed delete of a goal. 'Y' will delete the value and 'N' will forget it. @145 The functions for the Object Edit system: "Add Edit Delete List Reuse-list Print rUn eXit" are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. They are: 'A' = Add - Add an object to the expert system presently being edited. 'E' = Edit - Edit an existing object that has been previously defined The current object at the chosen position will be replaced by the new object you define. 'D' = Delete - Delete an existing rule. The rule number will be added to the Reuse-list to allow it to be reused. 'L' = List - List an existing object on the Video. 'R' = Reuse-list - List the rule numbers that are empty and available for re-entry. These have been deleted previously. 'P' = Print - Print an existing object on the printer. The printer must be on line. 'U' = rUn - Run the Expert System Inference engine. After the run, you will be returned to this menu. 'X' = eXit - Exit the rule system and return to the Main system menu. @146 The functions for the Rule Edit system: "RULE LINE:(Add Edit inSert Delete If: Then: ) List Next-rule eXit-add" are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. They are: 'A' = Add - Add a statement to the chosen existing rule in the section, ( If: or Then: ) that is currently active. They will be added to the end of the present group of statements making up this current section. 'E' = Edit - Edit an existing statement that has been previously defined in the current section(If: or Then:). The current statement at the chosen position will be replaced by the new statement that you select. 'S' = inSert - Insert a statement or group of statements before a selected statement number in the current selected section (If: or Then:) The new statement(s) will be entered in the selected position if you ok their inclusion. 'D' = Delete - Delete a statement identified by a selected statement number in the current selected section (If: or Then:). 'I' = If: - Change the current selected section from Then: to If: . If If: is currently active, this call will do nothing. 'T' = Then: - Change the current selected section from If: to Then: If Then: is currently active, this call will do nothing. 'L' = List - List a previously entered Rule. If an erroneous rule number is selected, you will be informed. 'N' = Next-rule - Write the present rule to memory and select another rule to edit. If you have no more rules to edit, select 'x'. 'X' = eXit-add - Add the present edit to the rule system and exit this edit sub-system to the Rule system menu. @147 The available elements with which to edit a rule are: "choose: (Attribute Goal Object eXit-section)" They are chosen by selecting the Capitol letter that is in the actions listed. Their functions are: 'A' = Attribute - Select an attribute-Value pair statement. 'G' = Goal - Select a Goal statement. 'O' = Object - Select an Object statement. 'X' = eXit-section - Quit this sub-section and return to the Rule editing menu. @148 "Do you want to test Text (.SOR) Goals or All Goals (t/a): " Enter 't' if you wish this run of the the expert system to test all of the goals that have been defined. Enter 'a' if you wish this run of the the expert system to test only the goals that have text linked to them in the '.SOR' file and have been processed with the link system in the Essence AI Expert System Editor. @149 "Do you want listed Attributes only, Values also, or eXit:(a/v/x):" The search program may be requested to search: 'A' = Attributes only. 'V' = Attributes and their connecting Values. The Values will be displayed following the Attributes they are connected to. Also, you may only request the attached text to be displayed by entering '+' (plus) at the attribute. Attempting such at the Value will display an error. 'X' = EXIT to prior menu. @150 @@